
Guide to (not) Running

Berlin TV tower with trainers

Photo (c) Matthew Wilson

If, like me, you see yourself as a 4-5 times a year kind of runner, then use this handy guide to help make sure you stick to these low numbers, and avoid tiring yourself out unnecessarily. This guide should make sure you don't do any more exercise than you really need. If the merest hint of the idea of going running should pass through your mind, then check that you've done the 10 following essentials - you'll never forgive yourself if you don't:

1) Get going on a really long, complicated recipe that takes many hours and involves many ingredients - it will be tasty!
2) Have a look online for a new flat in various parts of a massive city you don't know too well
3) Plan something that will take forever to organise, like a wedding
4) Why not write post an update on your blog?
5) Catch up with your family on the phone - it's been way too long since you called them and you should see how they are!
6) Have a look online for a new pet - what do you fancy? A dog? A cat? BOTH?
7) Get back up to speed on that book you were reading on Postwar Europe. Hmm.
8) Do some washing - your clothes are stinky!
9) Unwrap and get going on that Roseanne boxset, try and sit through all 211 episodes before running

Finally, and when you really can't thing of anything else to do...

10) Make a running playlist - you can use it when you go, er, running. Try this one

Once you've done all of these, and really you have to have done all of these, only then can you contemplate putting on your running shoes.

Chad VanGaalen - Peace on the Rise by subpop

The History Of Apple Pie - You're So Cool by Roundtable Records



(c)Kate Beaton

I'll be brief - Kate Beaton is a Canadian comic artist who has done some rad stuff on her blog - she has had some bits published by a really great little Canadian publishing house that focuses on a rich seam of comic artists called Drawn and Quarterly - you should definitely have a look.

I like the way Kate takes established characters, be they real or ficititious, and she skews them in a way that renders them more fun than the original most of the time. And the fact she digs the 90s Lois / Superman show makes her an outright winner in my book.

In other news I went to multilayerladen last night for an evening of folky stuff put on by the marvelous Four Track. I missed the headliner, but caught Donna Stolz. She had a nifty banjo player and melodica / glock player who were just right to accompany. She also had a brand new guitar and was pretty excited about this fact. Stand out songs were You Go and Laura Ingalls which was about the lady who wrote the Little House on the Prarie series.

Go Kate, go Donna, and go Laura!

Find more artists like Donna Stolz at Myspace Music