
Rounding that badboy up...


The final instalment of our 2010 top 5s, I'm (Ben) personally going to bore you. ARE YOU READY?

2010 was pretty cool, things I remember off the top of my head are: I got kicked out of my house by my landlord, my girlfriend moved to Berlin, I saw some great gigs and got to know loads of ace new music thanks to work, friends and an appetite for sifting through shit music.

1) Deutschewurstweltmeisterschaft - God knows I must have spelt that wrong, but who cares: you present me with 25 butchers fighting it out in Berlin to become the WORLD SAUSAGE CHAMP + lovely April weather + loads of delicious beer... Need I say more? Well I probably do - my favourite was the Chili Con Carne wurst, I think the Wasabiwurst won...
2) James Nash - illustrator extraodinaire, a bit of a hero.
3) The Wappio - a drink concoted by my flatmate Rob, which has accompanied us to a world of pain on too many an occasion to mention. Let me summarise the ingredients: close your eyes, pick three bottles, pour into a glass. Et voila. Yuuuummmm.
4) Offset Festival, specifically Not Cool, Team Ghost, Kap Bambino and Art Brut, for old times sake.
5) iPhone 4 - I feel like a massive loser for saying that, but hell, what a piece of kit.

Retired to Stud by Not Cool